Thursday, December 22, 2011


I'm not sure how many people will recognize the name of my blog. Considering how few people figure out my email address (, from the first line in The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost), I'm guessing not too many.

The phrase is from an ee cummings poem named "anyone lived in a pretty how town," which is probably my favorite poem, and one of about a dozen I have memorized. I won't post the full text here, but you should follow this link and read the whole thing, because it is delightful. If it completely baffles you (like most ee cummings poems do on first reading), here is a good concise analysis of it.

I've always liked this line, and I've always wanted to continue my poem theme-naming (starting with my email address), so that is what I named my blog. If I were being a really dedicated fan, the title wouldn't be capitalized, but I tried it that way, and don't like how it looks. I did, however, leave the caption below the title un-capitalized, so I'm not completely unfaithful to the original.

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